The S&P BSE Sensex on Thursday ended flat after jumping over 200 points in the early trade, the broader Nifty50 also pared gains to settle the day just a tad above 8,550-mark.
The headline indices welcomed the long-awaited passage of the goods and services tax (GST), though gains were tempered by concerns about the amount of work needed to bring the reforms into reality.The 30-share index ended the day at 27,714, up 16.86 points, while broad-based 50-share index quoted 8,551, up 6.25 points at close.
The headline indices welcomed the long-awaited passage of the goods and services tax (GST), though gains were tempered by concerns about the amount of work needed to bring the reforms into reality.The 30-share index ended the day at 27,714, up 16.86 points, while broad-based 50-share index quoted 8,551, up 6.25 points at close.