Shares in Tech Mahindra gained over 4 per cent to a day high of rupee“>Rs. 2,502.2 on Thursday as the company reported strong set of earnings for the July to September quarter of FY15 on Wednesday post market hours.
Its net profit grew 14 per cent sequentially to Rs. 720 crore while its revenue grew 7 per cent to Rs. 5,488 crore in the reporting period. Analysts polled by NDTV had estimated its net profit at Rs. 726 crore on sales of Rs. 5,377 crore.
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Its net profit grew 14 per cent sequentially to Rs. 720 crore while its revenue grew 7 per cent to Rs. 5,488 crore in the reporting period. Analysts polled by NDTV had estimated its net profit at Rs. 726 crore on sales of Rs. 5,377 crore.
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