Friday, June 19, 2015

Sun TV Security Clearance Okayed by Attorney General, Shares Jump In a respite for Sun TV, Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi on Friday said that the government should grant security clearance to the broadcast major's 33 television channels. Mr Rohatgi's opinion was sought on the matter by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry after its proposal about granting security clearance to Sun TV was struck down by the Home Ministry.

Broadcasters such as Sun TV need a security clearance every 10 years in order to continue their operations.

Earlier, the Home Ministry had struck down the proposal to grant security clearance to Sun TV on the ground that its promoter Kalanithi Maran was being investigated for criminal cases.
According to the Central Bureau of Investigation, Dayanidhi Maran, as Union Telecom Minister, misused his office to engineer the sale of telecom Aircel to Malaysia's Maxis Group in 2006. A criminal case that accuses Mr Maran of corruption and conspiracy alleges that in exchange, Maxis paid "illegal gratification" worth more than Rs 700 crore, a part of which was allegedly invested in a media company that is part of the Sun Group, owned by Mr Maran's brother, Kalanithi.

On June 8, Sun TV shares crashed by as much as 28 per cent after the Home Ministry's decision to deny Sun TV a security clearance became public. However, Sun TV shares rebounded sharply today, rising nearly 10 per cent in post noon trade.

The Attorney General's opinion is not binding on the government, but it is generally accepted, analysts said.

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