Aurobindo Pharma shares fell over 4 per cent to Rs 718 in the early trade on Wednesday after The Economic Times newspaper reported said that the US drug regulator (USFDA) raised quality issues at Unit 12 manufacturing facility of the company.
Aurobindo Pharma's Unit 12 is mainly used to manufacture drugs which are exported to US. The unit manufacturers products like Tazobactam and Piperacilin.
However, analysts don't expect any supply disruption in the short term due to the concerns raised by US FDA. Aurobindo Pharma will file a remediation report with the USFDA soon to address the concerns of the regulator.
As of 9.27 a.m., Aurobindo Pharma shares traded 1.46 per cent lower at Rs 737.50 apiece, underperforming the Nifty, which was down 0.25 per cent at 8,507.